The Fresh Chaturanga: How to Do Ashtangasana or Eight-Limbed Pose (With Movie)

The Fresh Chaturanga: How to Do Ashtangasana or Eight-Limbed Pose (With Movie)

  1. Commence in Tabletop position on all fours, center of the wrists in line with the outer shoulders, knees under the hips.
  2. Shift your shoulders and heart forward beyond your fingertips.
  3. Lower just your chest and chin to the earth, keeping your elbows in at your side and tailbone lifting toward the ceiling.
  4. Press down stiffly through the palms of the palms, keeping the shoulder goes lifted as you proceed to soften the place inbetween the shoulder blades.
  5. Attempt holding the pose for a few breaths before pressing back up to all fours and resting back in Child’s Pose.
  6. *Modification: Place a blanket under the knees.

If you’re fresh to Ashtangasana, let me know how it felt! The pose can be a bit scary, as lowering your chest and chin to the floor requires certain vulnerability. Reminisce, to keep pressing down strongly through the forearms, and be gentle—slowly permitting the heart to soften.

Meagan McCrary is an experienced yoga teacher and writer with a passion for helping people find more convenience, clarity, compassion and joy on the mat and in their lives. She is the author of "Pick Your Yoga Practice: Exploring and Understanding Different Styles of Yoga", a comprehensive encyclopedia of prominent yoga styles and practical wisdom. Knowledgeable, sultry and playful, her training style is amazingly inclusive and empowering, and her retreats are transformative. Check out her blog and latest offerings at, and play along with Meagan on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Playful, sultry and practical, Meagan keeps yoga accessible and joy.

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